Dalhousie pride

- February 3, 2010

commerce society team
Dalhousie commerce students wearing matching scarves and hats competed in the Jeux du Commerce (JDC) in Toronto from January 22 to 25.  (Photo courtesy of Matthew Ryan)

Twenty Dalhousie commerce students are still smiling after cleaning up at the Jeux du Commerce held over three days last month at Ryerson University in Toronto.

The 650-member Dal Commerce Society entered a delegration in the business games competing against nine other university teams. The students came away winners in every case competition they entered: claiming second place in marketing, third in business strategy, first in accounting, third in social and third in participation.

“It’s nice to get some external validation about how great the Dalhousie experience is,” says Matthew Ryan, a co-captain of the Dalhousie team along with Jenny Watson. “But when you think of the classroom experience we get and the co-op program, it’s no wonder we did very well.”

The Dartmouth, N.S. native said he came away from the competition proud of his team and proud of his school. To demonstrate, he and his friend Hayley Drew, president of the Dal Commerce Society, gave a demonstration of a rousing cheer they performed during the games: “We’re Dalhousie, we're outrageous/And our spirit is contagious ... So 4-1-6 your time is through/Learn a new one 9-0-2."

“I don’t think people are aware that we have such a strong business program,” adds Mr. Ryan, a fourth-year student. “While it’s small, the quality is there and the mandatory co-op program is really important. When you think of Dalhousie and its programs, it’s all about science, medicine and engineering. Business takes a back seat, but the quality is definitely there in our program.”

Ms. Drew is hoping the commerce society sends a team again next year to keep the caliber of competition at a high level. “It was so fun and it gave us all a new appreciation about how great it is to be a Dalhousie student.”

LINK: Dal Commerce Society on Facebook


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