Haligonians Helping Haiti

- February 3, 2010

Leanna Winberg, Laura Spaetzel and Kate Browning
Leanna Winberg, Laura Spaetzel and Kate Browning are Haligonians Helping Haiti. (Bruce Bottomley Photo)

Haligonians Helping Haiti is a student-run initiative at Dalhousie University working to raise awareness and funds for earthquake relief in Haiti. Our goal is to raise at least $3,500 by March 1. All money raised will be donated to the Boston-based, not-for-profit, Partners In Health (PIH). We are calling upon the Halifax community to take part in this effort. 

PIH was formally founded in 1987 and works in 12 different countries. In Haiti alone, PIH or Zanmi Lasante (“Partners is Health” in Haitian Kreyol) runs eight medical and social projects.  The Zanmi Lasante (ZL) Sociomedical Complex, the organization’s largest project, is located in the village of Cange, 50 kilometres outside of Port-au-Prince and has not been affected by the recent earthquake. It is thus an excellent resource to treat those in need—on both a short and long-term basis—who have been affected by the disaster. The ZL Complex works with the Haitian public health sector to provide, among many other services, a full-service hospital, women’s health clinic, Red Cross blood bank, pharmaceutical warehouse, and a dozen schools.  All of its services are available to the public regardless of their financial situation.  The medical hub is run almost entirely by local Haitians, encouraging community involvement and leadership in health care. 

To raise these funds, our group has been working with the Dalhousie and Halifax communities. To date, we have been collecting donations from the Farmer’s Market and jars set up around the city, and running other fundraisers on the Dal campus and in the community. On February 12, the Toothy Moose, 1661 Argyle Street, will host an event where all proceeds from the door will go to the Haligonians Helping Haiti initiative.

For more information on upcoming events and how you can get involved visit our Facebook page, Haligonians Helping Haiti.


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