Psychology Course Offerings


Current 2024/25 Course Offerings

The table below lists Psychology courses, with information on their offerings in the 2023/24 academic year. Please note that the terms when courses are held, and the details of course syllabi, may change in future years. Use this information as a guide, but be sure to check future years' timetables when they become available and read the current version of course syllabi when you start a new class.

For the academic timetable course description, please click here.

Course Name
(and 2024/25 syllabus)
Course #     
Course Type Term(s) offered, 2023/24
Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience l: From Neuron to Person
PSYO 1011 Core required for PSYO/NESC majors (open to all) Fall
Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience ll: From Social Interaction to Psychology PSYO 1012 Core required for PSYO/NESC majors (open to all) Winter
Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience l: From Neuron to Person - DE
PSYO 1031 Core required for PSYO/NESC majors (open to all) Fall & Summer
Introduction to Psychology and Neuroscience ll: From Social Interaction to Psychopathology - DE
PSYO 1032 Core required for PSYO/NESC majors (open to all) Winter & Summer
Methods in Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience PSYO 2000 Core required (restricted to PSYO/NESC majors) Fall & Summer
Social Psychology PSYO 2080 2000-level elective Winter
Developmental Psychology PSYO 2090 2000-level elective Fall & Winter
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology PSYO 2130 2000-level elective Fall, Winter, & Summer
Learning: Conditioning and Motivation
PSYO 2140 2000-level elective Fall & Winter
Perceptual Processes PSYO 2150 2000-level elective Fall
Animal Behaviour PSYO 2160 2000-level elective Fall & Winter
Adult Psychopathology PSYO 2220 2000-level elective Fall, Winter & Summer
Forensic Psychology PSYO 2444 2000-level elective Fall
Systems Neuroscience PSYO 2470 Core required (restricted to PSYO/NESC majors) Winter & Summer
Statistical Methods l PSYO 2501 Core required (restricted to PSYO/NESC majors) Fall & Summer
Cellular Neuroscience PSYO 2570 2000-level elective Fall
Directed Research in Psychology

PSYO 3001 Supervised Project Fall, Winter, & Summer
Directed Research in Psychology

PSYO 3002 Supervised Project Fall, Winter, & Summer
Experiential Learning in Science Communication I  & II PSYO 3011/3012 3000-level elective Fall & Winter
Research Methods in Sensation and Perception
PSYO 3051 Lab credit
Psychological Perspectives of Sex & Gender PSYO 3060 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Experimental Social Psychology PSYO 3082 Lab credit Winter
Methods in Developmental Psychology PSYO 3091 Lab credit Fall & Winter
Development of Language and Literacy Abilities
PSYO 3093 3000-level elective (lecture)
Independent Research in Psychology I & II

PSYO 3100/3101 Supervised project + lab credit Fall & Winter
Methods in Experimental Clinical Psychology PSYO 3122 Lab credit Fall & Winter
Childhood Psychopathology PSYO 3129 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall & Winter
Research Methods in Attention PSYO 3131 Lab credit Fall & Winter
Research Methods in Memory PSYO 3133 Lab credit Fall & Winter
Research Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience PSYO 3137 Lab credit
Measuring Behaviour PSYO 3161 Lab credit Fall & Winter
Advanced Animal Behaviour: Theories and Applications PSYO 3162 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Neuroethology PSYO 3165 Lab credit  Fall
Hormones & Behaviour PSYO 3170 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall
Psychoneuroimmunology/Ecological Immunology (Cancelled) PSYO 3180 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Psycholinguistics PSYO 3190 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Clinical Psychology PSYO 3220 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall
Principles of Human Neuropsychology PSYO 3227 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Drugs & Behaviour PSYO 3237 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall
The Science of Sleep PSYO 3264 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Developmental Neuroscience PSYO 3270 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
PSYO 3271 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall & Winter
Personality PSYO 3280 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall & Winter
Advanced Methods in Neurobiology PSYO 3370 Lab credit   Fall  
Neuronal Organization Laboratory PSYO 3371 Lab Credit Fall & Winter
Criminal Behaviour PSYO 3444 3000-level elective (lecture) Winter & Summer
Statistical Methods II PSYO 3502 Core required (for PSYO honours students only) Fall
Neural Data Science PSYO 3505 Lab Credit
Data Communication and Visualization in Psychology PSYO 3511 Lab Credit Fall & Winter

History of Psychology II

*History of Psychology I (NOT OFFERED)

PSYO 3582 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall
Genes, Brain and Behaviour PSYO 3670 3000-level elective (lecture)
Behavioural Neuroscience PSYO 3770 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall & Winter
Molecular Neuroscience PSYO 3970 3000-level elective (lecture) Fall
Directed Reading Project
PSYO 4000 Supervised project Fall, Winter, & Summer
Topics in Social Psychology and Personality PSYO 4080 Honours Seminar Fall  
Development of Social Behaviour PSYO 4090 Honours Seminar Fall
Social Determinants of Health and Child Development PSYO 4091 Honours Seminar Winter
Topics in Developmental Psychology PSYO 4092 Honours Seminar Winter
Topics in Clinical Psychology PSYO 4120
Honours Seminar Fall
Topics in Cognition PSYO 4130 Honours Seminar Winter
Topics in Behavioural Biology PSYO 4160 Honours Seminar Fall
Topics in Infant Development PSYO 4440 Honours Seminar Winter
Topics in the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory PSYO 4740 Honours Seminar Fall
Honours Foundation PSYO 4901 Core required (for PSYO honours students only) Fall
Honours Thesis
PSYO 4902 Core required (PSYO honours students only) Winter