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Alumni & Friends

Stay Connected

Our Department’s international reputation as a leader in innovative, interdisciplinary ocean research is founded in large part on contributions of our many alumni and friends, who are spread across the globe.  We strive to keep our network apprised of goings-on in the Department, so please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date and take a moment to read the annual update from the Chair.

We also rely on our network of alumni and friends to provide support to our current students.  Support for our students can take many forms, be it career advice, job opportunities, or more direct financial support.  If you would like to contribute to the Department financially, then consider these options:

Click on any of the above links and you will be taken to a donation form administered by the Office of Advancement at Dalhousie.  Check the bottom of the form to ensure your valuable contribution is headed to the right place!

