Note that not every class is offered each year. For information about which classes will be offered in any one year, contact your advisor or consult the Registrar's Academic Timetable.
MATH 5010: Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration
MATH 5020: Analytic Function Theory
MATH 5025: Commutative Algebra I
MATH 5045: Advanced Algebra I
MATH 5055: Advanced Algebra II
MATH 5065: Algebraic Geometry
MATH 5066: Advanced Statistical Theory I
MATH 5070: Topics in Number Theory
MATH 5135: Introduction to Category Theory
MATH 5136: Topics in Category Theory
MATH 5140: Introduction to Functional Analysis
MATH 5165: Mathematical Methods in Physics
MATH 5170: General Topology
MATH 5180: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
MATH 5190: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 5200: Ordinary Differential Equations - Qualitative Theory
MATH 5220: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 5230: Partial Differential Equations
MATH 5250: Asymptotic Analysis
MATH 5320: Combinatorial Optimization
MATH 5330: Topics in Graph Theory
MATH 5340: Discrete Random Structures
MATH 5360: Combinatorial Modelling
MATH 5370: Combinatorics: Techniques and Structures
MATH 5410: Topics in Cosmology
MATH 5500: Introduction to Harmonic Analysis
MATH 5530: Differential Geometry
MATH 5540: Applied Analysis
MATH 5650: General Relativity and Cosmology
MATH 5680: Topics in Logic and Computation
MATH 5900: Combinatorial Game Theory
STAT 5066: Advanced Statistical Theory I
STAT 5067: Advanced Statistical Theory II
STAT 5090: Probability
STAT 5100: Survival Analysis
STAT 5350: Applied Multivariate Analysis
STAT 5360: Robust Statistics
STAT 5370: Stochastic Processes
STAT 5390: Time Series Analysis I
STAT 5550: Longitudinal Data Analysis
STAT 5570: Statistical Genetics
STAT 5620: Data Analysis
STAT 5630: Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution