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Faculty & Staff

Hong Gu


Phone: (902) 494-7161
Office Location: Chase 101
Mailing Address: 
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Dalhousie University
6297 Castine Way - PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Statistical genetics and bioinformatics
  • Molecular evolution
  • Data mining
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational biology
  • Statistical genetics
  • Meta-genomics
  • Model selection
  • Outlier detection

Office Number:
Chase Room 101

Education:   PhD - University of Hong Kong(1999)
  MSc -Peking University(1994)
  BSc - Peking Normal University (1989)

Scholarly Interests: Generally computational biology and bioinformatics with particular interests in development of statistical modeling, inference and methodology in molecular evolution and meta-genomics.  I am also interested in development of data mining methodologies and applications, particularly in medical data analysis. 


  • Toby Kenney and Hong Gu (2012). Hessian Calculation for Phylogenetic Likelihood based on the Pruning Algorithm and its Applications. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 11(4): Article 14.
  • Melanie Abeysundera, Chris Field and Hong Gu (2011). Phylogenetic analysis based on spectral methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2012: 29(2):579-597.
  • Gu, H., Kenney, T. and Zhu, M. (2010). Partial Generalized Additive Models: An Information-theoretic Approach for Dealing with Concurvity and Selecting Variables. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. September 1, 2010, 19(3): 531-551.
  • Katherine A. Dunn, Joseph P. Bielawski, Todd J. Ward, Caroline Urquhart and Hong Gu  (2009). Reconciling ecological and genomic divergence among lineages of Listeria under an "extended mosaic genome concept". Molecular Biology and Evolution. vol 26 (11): 2605-2615.
  • Le Bao, Hong Gu, Katherine A. Dunn and Joe Bielawski (2008). Likelihood Based Clustering (LiBaC) for Codon Models, a method for grouping sites according to similarities in the underlying process of evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol. 25(9), 1995-2007.

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