David Hamilton
Professor Emeritus
Email: david.hamilton@dal.ca
Phone: (902) 494-2572
Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Dalhousie University
6297 Castine Way - PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2
Research Topics:Dalhousie University
6297 Castine Way - PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2
- Environmental statistics
- Statistical genetics and bioinformatics
Education: PhD - Queen's University (1980)
MA - Queen's University (1973)
Scholarly Interests: Biostatistics, Statistical Genetics, Regression and Experimental Design.
- Renault, N., Pritchett, S.M., Howell, R.E., Greer, W.L., Sapienza, C., Orstavik, K.H. and Hamilton, D.C., Human X-chromosome inactivation pattern distributions fit a model of genetically influenced choice better than models of completely random choice. (accepted European Journal of Human Genetics, March 20, 2013, http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ejhg.2013.84).
- Grover, V.K., Cole, D.E.C. and Hamilton, D.C., (2013) Genotype-based association analysis using discordant pairs: a penetrance odds ratio approach, Annals of Human Genetics, 77, 137-146.
- Sarhan, A., Hamilton, D.C. and Smith, B., (2012), Parameter Estimation for a two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(11), pp. 5380-5392.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2011.12.054 - Horrocks, J. Hamilton, D.C and Whitehead, H., (2012), A likelihood approach to estimating abundance from binary acoustic transects, Biometrics,67(3), pp. 681-690.
- Mitchell, D., Sengpiel, F., Hamilton, D.C., Schwarzkopf,D.S., Kennie, J.
(2011), Protection against deprivation amblyopia depends on relative not absolute daily binocular exposure, Journal of Vision, 11(7):13, pp. 1-13.
- Sarhan, A.M, Hamilton, D.C. and Smith, R.B., (2011), The bivariate generalized linear failure rate distribution and its multivariate extension, Comp. Stat.& Data Analysis, 55, 1, pp. 644-654.
Personal site: http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~hamilton/