Dr. Anthony (Tony) Charles
Adjunct Professor, Marine Affairs Program

Dr. Tony Charles: BSc, PhD (UBC)
Email: tony.charles@smu.ca
Phone: 902.420.5732
Fax: 902.496.8101
Mailing Address:
- Fisheries Socioeconomics, Policy, Management, Governance
- Integrated Ocean & Coastal Zone Management
- Marine Social-Ecological Systems
- Coastal Communities & Community-Based Conservation
Latest Honours
Director, Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN)
Refereed Publications
Armitage, D., F. Berkes, and A. Charles. 2016 (Forthcoming). Governing the Coastal Commons: Communities, Resilience and Transformation. Earthscan, Routledge / Taylor & Francis. Oxford, UK.
Long, R. D., A. Charles, and R. L. Stephenson. 2016. Key principles of ecosystem-based management: the fishermen's perspective. Fish and Fisheries. doi:10.1111/faf.12175
Seijo, J. C., R. Villanueva-Poot, and A. Charles. 2016. Bioeconomics of ocean acidification effects on fisheries targeting calcifier species: A decision theory approach. Fisheries Research 176:1-14.
Alexander, S., D. Armitage, and A. Charles. 2015. Social networks and transitions to co-management in Jamaican marine reserves and small-scale fisheries. Global Environmental Change 35:213–225.
Charles, A., S. M. Garcia, and J. Rice. 2015. Balanced harvesting in fisheries: Economic considerations. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv161.
Long, R. D., A. Charles, and R. L. Stephenson. 2015. Key principles of marine ecosystem-based management. Marine Policy 57:53-60.
Garcia, S.M., J. Rice, and A. Charles. 2014. Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution. Wiley-Blackwell. Oxford, U.K.
Dr. Anthony (Tony) Charles is a professor at Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) with a joint appointment in the School of the Environment and the Sobey School of Business (in Management Science). At Dalhousie, he is an Adjunct Professor in the Marine Affairs Program, Faculty of Science and in the School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Management. Dr. Charles is a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation, and specializes in interdisciplinary analysis of fisheries, coastal and marine issues. Particular areas of emphasis include community-based conservation and resource management, small-scale fisheries, integrated ocean and coastal management, the ecosystem approach, marine protected areas, indicator frameworks, and the development of management measures for sustainability and resilience.
Dr. Charles is currently Principal Investigator in the Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN: see www.communityconservation.net), a global initiative exploring the interaction of communities, environmental challenges and decision making. He is the author of a wide range of publications, including Sustainable Fishery Systems (Blackwell Science), Canadian Marine Fisheries in a Changing and Uncertain World (NRC Press), Nova Scotia GPI Fisheries and Marine Environment Accounts (GPI Atlantic), Integrated Fish Farming (CRC Lewis) and the Community Fisheries Management Handbook (c/o Coastal CURA:www.CoastalCURA.ca).
Dr. Charles is a past President of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade and the Resource Modeling Association, the founding Director and past Chair of Canada's Ocean Management Research Network, and a member of the editorial board of the American Fisheries Society journal Marine and Coastal Fisheries. Dr. Charles serves as an advisor to fisheries organizations in Atlantic Canada, and internationally he works on fisheries, ocean and coastal management in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as with FAO and OECD.