Swapan Dasgupta
Retired Professor/Adjunct Professor

Email: swapan.dasgupta@dal.ca
Fax: 902-494-6917
Mailing Address:
Department of Economics
Dalhousie University
6214 University Avenue
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Research Topics:Dalhousie University
6214 University Avenue
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
- Microeconomics
- Mathematical economics
Research interests:
- (with T. Mitra) "Valuation of investment and national income in the theory of intertemporal equity and welfare"
- (with T. Mitra) "On a model of forestry"
- Monographs on aspects of mathematical economics
Academic experience:
- Associate Dean (Administration), Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University, July 2008- June 2013.
- Academic Integrity Officer, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University, July 2010-current
- Professor, Dalhousie University, 1990-current
- Research Associate at the following institutions at various times : University of Rochester, Cornell University, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires
- Visiting Associate Professor, University of Rochester, 1980-81
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1976-77
- Lecturer, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi, 1971-72
- Reviewer for Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, Springer-Verlag
- Refereeing work for various journals including American Economic Review, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Management Science.
Selected publications:
- Dasgupta, S. and T. Mitra, "On Optimal Forest Management: A Bifurcation Analysis," inDimensions of Economic Theory, Essays for Anjan Mukherjee, Dastidar, K.G., H, Mukhopadhayay & U.B. Sinha (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Delhi, October 2011, 50 - 67.
- Dasgupta, S. "Comment on Luigi Zingales: Why not Consider Maximum Reserve Ratios?" The Economists' Voice: Vol. 6 : Iss. 4, Article 6, 2009, Berkeley Electronic Press.
- Dasgupta, S., "Optimal growth", in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, William. A. Darity Jr. (ed.), Vol. 6, 2nd Edition, Macmillan Reference USA, Detroit, 2008, 51 - 53.
- Bose, A., S. Dasgupta and T. Mitra, Discounting and Growth of Net National Product, in Essays in Economic Theory, Growth and Labor Markets: A Festschrift in Honor of E. Drandakis, George Bitros and Yannis Katsoulacos (Eds.), Edward Elgar, 2002, 19 - 30.
- Dasgupta, S. and Mitra, T., National Product, Income Accounts and Sustainable Development, in Contemporary Macroeconomics: Essays in Honour of Mihir Rakshit, A. Bose et al. (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2001, 56 - 86.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "Optimal and competitive programs in reachable multi sector models," Economic Theory, 14 (3), 1999, 565 - 582.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "On the welfare significance of national product for economic growth and sustainable development," The Japanese Economic Review, 50 (4), December 1999, 422 - 442.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "Infinite horizon competitive programs are optimal," Journal of Economics, 69 (3), 1999, 217 - 238.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "Intertemporal optimality in a closed linear model of production," in Decentralization in infinite Horizon economies, Majumdar (ed.),Westview Press, 1992, 72 - 99, reprinted from Journal of Economic Theory, 45, 1988.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "Characterization of intertemporal optimality in terms of decentralizable conditions: the discounted case," in Decentralization in infinite Horizon economies, Majumdar (ed.), Westview Press, 1992, 58 - 71, reprinted from Journal of Economic Theory, 45, 1988.
- Dasgupta, S., McKenzie, L.W., "The comparative statics and dynamics of stationary states," in J.S. Chipman, D. McFadden and M.K. Richter (eds.), Preferences, Uncertainty and Optimality, Essays in Honour of Leonid Hurwicz, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1990, 280 - 303.
- Dasgupta, S., "A local analysis of stability and regularity of stationary states in discrete symmetric optimal capital accumulation models," Journal of Economic Theory, 36, 1985, 302-318.
- Dasgupta, S., Mitra, T., "Intergenerational equity and efficient allocation of exhaustible resources," International Economic Review, 24, 1983, 133-153.