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Halifax 2008

Sharing Ideas - Embracing Opportunities

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The Inaugural Central Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference was held at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from August 13 – 15, 2008. Halifax 2008 was an outstanding opportunity to incorporate the results of hydrocarbon exploration throughout the Central Atlantic conjugate margin basins using the latest concepts and interpretations of divergent margin basin evolution, petroleum systems, productive fields and analogues.

Halifax 2008 was very successful, with over 200 delegates from 17 nations attending, representing 48 companies and 26 government and academic institutions. More than 90 technical oral and poster papers were presented.

Thematic Sessions:

  1. Margin Evolution & Development
  2. Petroleum Systems
  3. Productive Fields & Analogues

Conference Materials:

Core Workshop EXTENDED Abstracts

  1. View The Montagnais meteorite impact structure, western Nova Scotian Shelf. Lubomir Jansa and Georgia Pe-Piper. [pdf – 0.8 MB]
  2. Deep shelfal chalk reservoirs of the Upper Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Primrose salt structure area, offshore Nova Scotia. Andrew MacRae
  3. View Prodeltaic deformation facies from the Alma Gas Field and Tantallon M-41 wells. David Piper and Georgia Pe-Piper [pdf – 3.0 MB]
  4. View Hyperpycnal flow deposits from the Thebaud Gas Field. David Piper and Atika Karim [pdf – 1.2 MB]
  5. View Tidally-influenced deltaic reservoirs in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Mic Mac and Missisauga formations (Glenelg and Arcadia fields), offshore Nova Scotia. Andrew MacRae [pdf - 17.5MB]
  6. View Varied carbonate facies from the Jurassic-Cretaceous gigaplatform margin Baltimore Canyon Trough offshore Delaware, USA. Les Eliuk & Brad Prather [pdf - 3.4 MB]
  7. View Reef margin carbonate reservoirs of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Abenaki Formation (Deep Panuke Gas Field). Les Eliuk for Rick Wierzbicki, Kevin Gillen, Rolf Ackermann, Nancy Harland, Leslie Eliuk, with a contribution by Jeff Dravis [pdf – 6.1 MB]


AAPG Explorer Articles:

January 2008  ‘Analog Sisters’ Prompt New Ideas  
November 2008 Full Issue  
  Conjugate Margins Ideas Shared  
January 2009 Full Issue  

Basin Awaits Lifting of Moratorium


Original Conference Website:

  • (terminated; no longer available)
