Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Honours Qualifying Exam

There will be 2 presentation sessions (9am to 12pm, and 1pm to 3:30pm).  The entire EES Community is invited and encouraged to attend. 

Session 1:  9am to 12pm

Student Supervisor(s) Reader Title
Sarah Macdonald

Rob Jamieson

Tessa Bermarija Characterization of Lake Trophic State and Cyanobacteria Presence in Kejimkujik National Park
Evelyn Rusnak

Rob Jamieson

Brandon Heung Quantifying the Impacts of Forest Management Practices on stand albedo and surface temperatures in Nova Scotia
Kate Metcalfe Craig Brown and Peter Porskamp Paul Hill Mapping lobster habitat in the Northumberland Strait using multibeam echosounders
Rosie Bleyer Alana Westwood and Ben Collison Robert Lennox Identifying and prioritizing barriers to Atlantic salmon habitat connectivity in Napu’saqnuk (St Mary’s) River
Lauren Kew

Owen Sherwood

Darria Atamanchuck Reconstructing Changes in the Northwest Atlantic 14C Depth Gradient using Deep Water Gorgonian Corals

Session 2: 1pm to 3:30pm





Declan Burns

Cindy Staicer

Amy Mui

Predicting Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) Breeding Habitats in Southwestern Nova Scotia Using LiDAR Metrics Informed by Drone Data

Declan Burns

Cindy Staicer

Andy Horn

Determining Effectiveness of Forestry Beneficial Management Practices for Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi), a Species-at-Risk Bird in Nova Scotia

Sana Salehi

Lauren Somers

Barret Kurylyk The impact of precipitation phase on changing groundwater recharge in mountain regions of Canada and the US
Sadie Russell Daniel Rainham Christina Wells Halifax residential air quality: Public perception and PM2.5 concentrations




Milligan Room, 8th Floor Biology-Earth Sciences Wing, Life Sciences Centre, Dalhousie University.

Note: This is an in person event.  Should you need to attend virtually, please send an email to Thomas Duffett ( for a zoom link.


Tarah Wright (EES Honours Coordinator)