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Stirling S. Hattie


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

A Sedimentological Study of the Shoreline Deposits of the Lawrencetown Beach Area

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The two main types of transportation media of sand grains are wind and water. They lead to deposition of postula which may or may not be distinguished as aeolian or water-laid. This project will deal with the existing techniques in analysis of sand samples with emphasis on the process of distinguishing between beach and dune sands from laboratory procedures. The study location chosen is the Lawrencetown Beach area. Mention will also be made of the existing conditions which are playing a part in shaping the face of Lawrencetown Beach~ Field work for the project was undertaken in February and March of 1971, and due to the weather, as complete a field study program as would have been liked, was impossible to carry out. Nevertheless, a number of samples and photographs were taken to be later analysed in the laboratory and the geology of the area was mapped.

I would like to express my thanks to Bob Wilson who helped me set up and carry out the micro-sieving experiment, to Dr~ [.Milligan who showed me the correct procedures for making the maps, and to Dr. Fl.A.Gees who aided me with suggestions and advise throughout the project.


Pages: 91
Supervisor: R. A. Gees
