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(U‑TH)/HE Laboratory (UTHHE)

Our laboratory is equipped with a house-build ultra-high vacuum system for extraction, purification and measuring 4He isotopes in apatite and zircon grains. This system includes:

  • 45 W diode laser for thermal extraction of 4He
  • All metal gas extraction and purification line with Janis cryogenic pump and two SAES getters
  • Pneumatic valves controlled by solenoid system
  • 3 l stainless steel tanks for spikes and standards equipped with precise volume pipets for delivering these spikes and standards
  • Pfiffer Vacuum Prisma Quad mass spectrometer for precise measurements of 3He/4He ratios.
  • All components of our He extraction system are controlled by computer. Our software package is based on LabVIEW and allows fully automated analyses of samples, blanks, and standards 24/7 without human interaction.
  • Optimal apatite and zircon grains are selected using stereoscopic polarising microscope and the shape analyses is performed by software.

Current Research

Graduate Theses

Honours Theses


