Selected Publications
Gero, S., D. Engelhaupt, L. Rendell and H. Whitehead. 2009. Who Cares? Between-group variation in alloparental care-giving in sperm whales. Behavioral Ecology 20: 838-843.
Whitehead, H. 2009. Estimating abundance from one‑dimensional passive acoustic surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 73: 1000-1009.
Schulz, T., H. Whitehead, and L. Rendell. 2009. Off-axis effects on the multi-pulse structure of sperm whale coda clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125: 1768-1773.
Whitehead, H., and P.J. Richerson. 2009. The evolution of conformist social learning can cause population collapse in realistically variable environments. Evolution and Human Behavior 30: 261-273.
Whitehead, H. 2009. SOCPROG programs: analyzing animal social structures. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:765-778.
Gero, S., D. Engelhaupt, and H. Whitehead. 2008. Heterogeneous social associations within a sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, unit reflect pairwise relatedness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 143-151.
Schulz, T., H. Whitehead, S. Gero, and L. Rendell. 2008. Overlapping and matching of codas in vocal interactions between sperm whales: insights into communication function. Animal Behaviour 76:1977‑1988.
Marino, L., C. Butti, R. C. Connor, R. E. Fordyce, L. M. Herman, P. R. Hof, L. Lefebvre, D. Lusseau, B. McCowan, E. A. Nimchinsky, A. A. Pack, J. S. Reidenberg, D. Reiss, L. Rendell, M. D. Uhen, E. Van der Gucht and H. Whitehead. 2008. A claim in search of evidence: Reply to Manger's thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain structure. Biological Reviews 83: 417-440.
Whitehead, H., B. McGill and B. Worm. 2008. Diversity of deep‑water cetaceans in relation to temperature: implications for ocean warming. Ecology Letters 11: 1198-1207.
Whitehead, H., A. Coakes, N. Jaquet and S. Lusseau. 2008. Movements of sperm whales in the tropical Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361: 291-300.
Lusseau, D., H. Whitehead and S. Gero. 2008. Incorporating uncertainty into the study of animal social networks. Animal Behaviour 75: 1809-1815.
Photography by Jennifer Modigliani