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How the rise in sustainable energy technologies is good news for the climate and green jobs

Posted by Jessie Hill on May 1, 2023 in News

Canada’s pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 is good news for both the climate and Canadian energy jobs. The latest projections from Clean Energy Canada show that Canadian jobs in clean energy are set to grow from 508,800 in 2025 to 2.68 million in 2050 – an increase of 7% per year.

Why sustainability matters to Atlantic Canada

Sustainability is especially important in Atlantic Canada, where our economy depends on healthy marine ecosystems, thriving forests, and clean air and water. Nova Scotia’s renewable energy targets will require 80% of electricity to be generated from renewable sources by 2030. With the rest of the Atlantic provinces committing to clean energy targets of their own, there is little doubt about the future growth of sustainable energy in the region. 

Clean energy jobs in Atlantic Canada

Atlantic Canada will see 132,100 jobs in clean energy by the net-zero 2050, up from 33,100 jobs in 2025 – a growth of 6% per year. Most of these jobs will be in clean transportation, as Atlantic Canada is already a leader in electrical vehicle related cleantech. Jobs in low-carbon machinery and energy-efficient building construction will see strong growth as well. When it comes to energy exports, Nova Scotia is the first in North America to secure permits for a commercial-scale green hydrogen facility that will be powered by wind.

Become part of the energy transition 

A net-zero 2050 may seem like the distant future, but Canada’s energy transition is already a reality. The strong growth of the clean energy sector will create many opportunities for professionals who want to help the transition to a sustainable net-zero future. If you are a seasoned energy professional or just starting to explore the possibilities of sustainable energy, join us on May 31 for a free webinar on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field of renewable energy in Atlantic Canada. This webinar will be hosted by Jorge Osorio Pina, lead instructor at blocksEDU, who will introduce you to the field and provide valuable insights on how you can benefit from the latest developments in sustainable energy technologies. We hope to see you there!