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Academic writing and ChatGPT: Step back to step forward

Posted by Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development on April 24, 2023 in News

Tech experts and some governments have raised concerns about the ethical implications and privacy risks of AI tools like ChatGPT. Meanwhile, discussions in higher education have focused on how these tools will impact academic integrity and teaching and learning. Our increasing inability to tell human writing apart from robot writing has raised questions about what this means for the future of academic writing. 

With more questions than answers swirling around the new-to-market ChatGPT, how can these AI tools be safely used as a teaching and writing instrument in higher education? What is the role of writing centres and libraries in guiding the use of these new tools?

Explore these topics further in “Academic writing and ChatGPT: Step back to step forward”, written by Brian Hotson, Senior Manager of Program & Impact Evaluation in Dalhousie University's Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development, and Stevie Bell, Head of McLaughlin College and Associate Professor in York University's Writing Department. This article was featured in the Spring 2023 blog of the Canadian Writing Centres Association/association Canadienne des centres de rédaction.