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New Certificate for Aspiring University and College Academic Administrators

Posted by Breanne Markotich on November 24, 2020 in News

Today, our academic work worlds have been described as uncertain, paradoxical, and difficult to navigate. The coronavirus pandemic has placed extraordinary demands on leaders as we continue through these unprecedented times.

“More than ever, academic institutions are facing critical challenges, some familiar and some entirely unanticipated. Strategic responses to these challenges will depend on strong internal leadership,” says Dr. Vivian Howard, Associate Vice President Academic, Dalhousie University.

Leaders and managers need to know how to effectively address the changes and prepare for the future. If you are interested in increasing your leadership effectiveness, then become part of a select group of academic peers and register for Dalhousie Executive Education’s Academic Leadership Certificate. This is a fully online action-based program tailored towards current and emerging academic leaders looking to build the necessary skills and operational know-how to lead effectively. As instructor, Dr. Scott Comber, says “Leadership is the art of putting disciplined practice into action.”

This part-time, 20-week online program runs from January 18 - June 5, 2021. It consists of ten carefully structured modules that include the essential knowledge and skills required for a successful and experienced academic leader. Some of the courses include Strategic Leadership & Self ManagementCollaboration & Leading TeamsUsing Data in Decision-MakingRelationship Management: Inter-cultural Communication, and Leading Change in Complexity.

“The Academic Leadership Certificate program can help prepare participants to be effective academic leaders. Participants will gain the skills to work collaboratively to address complex real-world issues and devise innovative and effective solutions,” shares Dr. Vivian Howard.

Become part of a nation-wide community of academic leaders who have the skills and capabilities to emerge as visionary, collaborative and effective leaders in the complex, unique, multidisciplinary world of academia.

For more information on the Academic Leadership certificate, please visit our website.