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New Career Development Courses Designed in Partnership with NSCDA

Posted by Breanne Markotich on September 18, 2020 in News

Our world is evolving at an incredible pace. For many career development practitioners, they see this impact every day. Changes in the marketplace, employee turnover, and company growth are just a few of the many factors affecting the landscape of the workforce. Each impacts our careers in different ways and continuously adapting to this new world of work is complex.

In partnership with the Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA), Dalhousie University's College of Continuing Educaiton has launched newly developed career development courses and a Certificate of Professional and Leadership Studies in Career Development for those looking to keep pace with the changing field.

Industry and adult education experts have designed these courses using the new Career Development Competencies currently being developed by the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) and the Canadian Council for Career Development (CCCD).

Upcoming Course Offerings at a Glance 

  • Theories, Models, and Strategies of Career Development
  • Career Decision Making
  • Supporting Career Searches
  • Transition Management
  • Ethics in Action
  • Understanding Diversity in the Workplace

Conscious of the busy lives of adult learners, the courses are available 100% online and are 12 weeks long, in effort to spread out the workload as much as possible. NSCDA members can also benefit from discounted registration.

For more information on our Career Development program, including start dates and registration details, please visit our Career Development section.