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Ready to Declare

Declaring the Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is easy.

Students may declare the minor through Dal Online. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log into Dal Online with your Net ID and Password.
  2. After logging in, select the Student Records link and once the Student records Page opens, select the "Declare a Major/Minor/Certificate" to get to the Major/Minor Form.
  3. Verify the personal Information displayed.
  4. Next, click on the displayed drop downs and select the Major/Minor/Certificate or all that applies to your request.
  5. Choose your Minor from this drop-down. If no change is needed, do not change the default value.

If you have any comments, include them in the “Comment” section and click “Submit Major/Minor Declaration.”

Note: At least one of the above must be selected to submit a request. A request cannot be submitted without a change in any of the above values.

To learn more visit the Dal Online Help Centre

Questions on the Minor?

Get in touch with the Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Coordinator at
