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World's Challenge Challenge

Applying for the challenge:

World’s Challenge Challenge (WCC)

2022-2023 Competition is closed for applications.

Please check back for more info in the fall. 

To apply each team must complete the WCC Team Proposal Form and by Friday, January 30th 2023, (extended from January 20th).


Winning teams from each partner university will be invited to the virtual World’s Challenge Challenge Global Final at Western University in London, Canada to compete for a grand prize of $30,000 to help further develop their proposed solution and support implementation. 


WCC Overview

Global Issues such as poverty, food security, public health, inequality and environmental degradation are the product of global relations in which we as global citizens bear some responsibility. The World’s Challenge Challenge (WCC) – a global initiative of Western University encourages young minds from different disciplines to come together to address a global issue, offering solutions to implement in partnership with communities.

The WCC is an opportunity to bring together individuals with a broad worldview, seeking to study, influence and lead in the international community and to create global citizens who think creatively and critically, about significant issues that affect us all. It starts with one idea, one discussion.

A local WCC competition will take place at Dalhousie University to determine which team will represent Dal at the WCC Global Finals held at Western University June 7th-10th, 2023. The WCC website outlines the details of the global competition.


2022-2023 World’s Challenge Challenge – Dalhousie competition timeline:


Round #1 – Online Application Form – Deadline Friday, January 30th (extended from January 20th): 

Apply to the local Dalhousie Competition. Your application should include a brief synopsis that describes your chosen issue or problem and how you propose to address it.

  • The deadline to apply is Friday, January 30th (extended from January 20th) 2023 at 4pm. You can submit your application through this online form. 

  • Submissions will be evaluated the week following the submission deadline to determine what teams move on to the finals. Successful teams will be notified that they are moving on to the finals by February 6th 2023.

Round #2 – Finals – Monday, March 13th: 

Selected teams will deliver a 5-7 minute video presentation to a small audience that addresses both the problem you hope to tackle and your proposed solution. Coaching will be available to teams as they prepare their presentations throughout February. A panel of judges will evaluate the presentations and determine which teams go on to the global finals. The Scoring Rubric for the WCC

The finals will take place Monday, March 13th. The winning team will represent Dalhousie University at the Global Finals at Western University June 7-10th 2023 (virtual event). 

The winning team will receive $1,000 per team member and go on to compete in the World’s Challenge Challenge Global Finals.


Eligibility and Team Composition

  • Full-time and part-time students completing an undergraduate degree program, Masters or PhD, who are registered at participating partner universities may compete in the World's Challenge Challenge.
  • Teams must be composed of two to four students, preferably from at least two different disciplines. Applications from teams with more or less participants will not be accepted. 
  • Only students from the same institution will be accepted on a team. Cross-institutional representation is not allowed.
  • Teams may not include non-student participants.



Apply for the World's Challenge Challenge with the application form [10-min][closed for 2023]


For more information, please email You can also find out more about the WCC initiative here:


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