Shamsud Chowdhury

Phone: 902-494-1795
Fax: 902-494-1107
Mailing Address:
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
6100 University Ave, PO Box 15000,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
Research Topics:6100 University Ave, PO Box 15000,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
- Agency theory
- Comparative advantage
- Organizational ecology
- Path dependence
- Resource-based theory
- Upper echelon theory
- Competitive advantage
- Corporate governance
- Ownership control structures
- PhD, MBA (Kentucky)
- MComm, BComm (Dhaka)
Selected Awards and Honours
- 2014 Best Reviewer Award, Strategy Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Muskoka, Ontario
- 2012 Best Paper Award Nomination, Strategic Management Society 32nd Annual International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2011 2nd Year MBA professor of the Year, Rowe School of Business, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University
- 2009 Outstanding Academic Leadership Award, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University
- 2009 The A. Gordon Archibald Teaching Excellence Award, Rowe School of Business, Dalhousie University
Selected Publications
- Strategic roads that diverge or converge: GM and Toyota in the battle for the top. Chowdhury, S.D. Business Horizons, 57(1), 127-136 (2014)
- Societal institutions and HRM practices: An analysis of four European multinational subsidiaries in Bangladesh. Chowdhury, S.D. & Mahmood, M.H. International Journal of Human Resources Management, 23, 1808-18831 (2012)
- Institutional activism types and CEO compensation: A time-series analysis of large Canadian corporations. Chowdhury, S.D. & Wang, E. Journal of Management, 35, 5-36 (2009)
- Riding the wrong wave: Organizational failure as a failed turnaround. Sheppard, J.P. & S.D. Chowdhury Long Range Planning 38, 239-260 (2005)
- Turnarounds: A stage theory perspective Chowdhury, S.D. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 19, 249-266 (2002)