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Faculty & Staff

Philippe Mongeon

Associate Professor; Chair, Department of Information Science

Faculty Profile_Philippe Mongeon (214w)

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Fax: (902) 494-2451
Mailing Address: 
Department of Information Science
Dalhousie University
Rowe Management Building, Suite 4010
6100 University Avenue
PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Research Clusters:

  • Data science (citation analysis, computational social science, network analysis)
  • Data, information and knowledge management (cloud computing, research data management, open data)
  • Human information interaction (social media)
  • Information and society (social media, publishing industry and history, innovation)
  • Scientific information (information networks, information use and influence, patent informatics, science-policy interface, scientometrics, open science, altmetrics)
  • Information organization and representation


  • BAA (Université du Québec à Montréal)
  • MSI (Université de Montréal)
  • PhD (Université de Montréal)

Selected awards and honours

Governor General's Gold Medal (2018)


Like many people in the information field, it is to a great extent serendipity that brought me into the information field. I came with a plan to become an academic librarian, but then I stumbled into a research path and the rest is history that is still in the making. I am passionate about research both as an activity and as an object of study (most of my research relates in one way or another to the internal and external dynamics of research communities, with a focus on how knowledge is produced, disseminated and used). Both in my personal and professional lives, I am a collective goal-oriented person who likes to bring people and ideas together, foster productive interactions, learn, and have fun.

