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Patti Bannister


Faculty Profile_Patti Bannister_new (214w)



Research Clusters:

  • Information organisation and representation (archival and monetary appraisal, archival description, archival outreach)


  • BA (Memorial University)
  • BEd (Memorial University)
  • MA (Memorial University)
  • Certificate, Supervisory Management (Memorial University)
  • Certificate, Executive Leadership (NS Public Service Commission & Dalhousie University)
  • Certification, Practicing NAAB Appraiser (National Archival Appraisal Board)


I have been a part of the archival profession for over 25 years.  I spent the first decade of my career at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador where I held a variety of positions including Archival Assistant (Client Services), Manuscript Archivist, Education and Outreach Archivist and Manager.  Upon relocating with my family to Nova Scotia, I became the Congregational Archivist for the Sisters of Charity, Halifax and entered the world of private archives, managing both the archival and records management programs for the Congregation’s international missions.  In 2013 I became the Manager of Nova Scotia Archives, returning to my roots in government. 

I am currently the Provincial Archivist and Director, Nova Scotia Archives.  Throughout my career I have maintained close ties to my professional communities at the provincial and national level, serving on numerous committees and holding the positions of Vice President and President of the Association of Newfoundland & Labrador Archives (ANLA) and the Council of Nova Scotia Archives (CNSA).   I am currently a member of the Council of Provincial & Territorial Archivists and the National, Provincial, Territorial Archivists Council; and serve as Chair of the Libraries, Archives, Museums Nova Scotia Steering Committee.  Archival Education has been an important part of my career life, and I have enjoyed the numerous opportunities that I have had to work with students and participate as a guest lecturer and workshop instructor.  In 2021 I was honored to receive the Faculty of Management Part Time Teaching Award.
