Hamed Aghakhani
Associate Professor

Related Information
Email: Aghakhani@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-4590
Fax: 902-494-1107
Mailing Address:
- Social exclusion
- Consumer behaviour
- Creativity
- Deception and discrepancies in advertising
- Cause-related marketing
- PhD (Manitoba)
- MSc (ATU, Iran)
- BSc (IKI, Iran)
Research Interests
Dr. Aghakhani's research program is characterized by two main streams that examine: (1) consumer reactions towards marketplace deception and (2) the effect of social exclusion on consumer’s attitude and behaviour.
Selected Publications
- When does money priming affect helping behavior? Aghakhani, H., Akhgari, M., & Main, K. Australasian Marketing Journal, 27(1), 32-40 (2019)
- Can two negatives make a positive? Social exclusion prevents carryover effects from deceptive advertising. Aghakhani, H., & Main, K. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 47, 206-214 (2019)
- The impact of social exclusion and permeability on consumers’ responses towards advertising. Aghakhani, H., & Main, K. In: Cauberghe V., Hudders L., Eisend M. (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research IX. European Advertising Academy. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (2018)
- Change it up: Inactivity and repetitive activity reduce creative thinking. Main, K., Aghakhani, H., Labroo, A., & Greidanus, N. Journal of Creative Behavior (available online 2018)
- Enhancing digital entertainment through personalization: The evolving role of product placements. Trifts, V., & Aghakhani, H. Journal of Marketing Communications (available online 2018)
Selected Awards and Honours
- 2017 Outstanding Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
- 2016–2018 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant ($50,300 – Principal Investigator)
- 2015 Mills Award in Marketing ($1,500)
- 2015–2017 Dalhousie University's Research & Development Fund Grant ($3,372 - Sole Investigator)
- 2015–2017 Rowe Research Grant ($5,000 – Sole Investigator)
Current Teaching
COMM 2401 - Introduction to Marketing
BUSI 5401 - Marketing Management