At the start of each academic year the Dean of the Faculty of Management will personally lead an educational process at undergraduate and graduate levels for incoming students. This will form part of welcomes and introduction week activities in each school (for graduate students) and first year classes (for undergraduate students).
In addition, each School Director and Academic Program Director will ensure that teaching staff and administrators fully understand the standards of behaviour expected of both students and professors. This includes ensuring that all instructors, both full time and part time, are aware of this policy and the procedures to be followed in cases of suspected lapses of academic integrity. This policy requires that all instructors include standard wording in their course syllabi advising students of general guidelines and take the time at the commencement of each course to ensure that students are familiar with both general and specific integrity requirements associated with the class and the way it is taught (including on-line classes).
When things go wrong, we follow a system designed to handle cases of lapses in academic integrity consistent with Senate guidelines, but which also follow principles of natural justice and promote learning and continuous improvement within our Faculty’s culture of integrity.
Contact Faculty of Management | For Current Students | For Faculty and Staff | For Alumni & Friends
Dalhousie Faculty of Management
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
6100 University Ave, PO BOX 15000,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2