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Entrance Scholarships

Every year the Schulich School of Law awards over $2 Million dollars to our students to help with funding their legal education.  These scholarships are made possible through the generosity of our donors.

Our entrance scholarships are awarded to our incoming students based upon a variety of criteria, including academic excellence, community involvement, selfless public service in the Weldon Tradition, financial need, commitment to diversity & inclusion, dedication to anti-racism, regional connection, and an interest in Canadian public policy For this reason, some of the scholarships require submission of a separate Entrance Scholarship Form. For others, applicants are given automatic consideration.

Information on the scholarships currently available and how to be considered is outlined below.

Eligibility Requirements – Deadlines

JD Entrance Scholarship Committee

Tenable only at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

Bursary & Scholarship Program


Scholarships - Automatic Consideration

All applicants who complete the JD Online Application by the application deadline of January 10 will be automatically considered for the entrance scholarships listed in this section. No additional documentation or application is required from the applicant.

$5,300 - The Francis Hugh Bell Entrance Scholarship in Law (Non-Renewable)

$1,400 - Marion E. & Richard D. Weldon, Q.C. Entrance Scholarship (Non-Renewable)

$1,400 - The Frank Gronich Memorial Scholarship (Non-Renewable)


Scholarships – Entrance Scholarship Form Required

The entrance scholarships described in this section are awarded based on the applicant meeting the specific criteria established by the scholarship. For this reason, applicants are required to provide additional information by submitting our Entrance Scholarship Form.

$69,000 - The Law Foundation of Nova Scotia Scholarships

$63,000 - Schulich Entrance Scholarship

$60,000 - The Arthur Allister MacBain Memorial Scholarship

$45,000 - The J Gerald Godsoe Scholarship

$30,000 - The Scotiabank Scholarship for Legal Studies

$16,800 - Schulich Entrance Scholarship (Non-Renewable)

$15,000 - The Al Meghji & Diana Belevsky Scholarship in Law (Non-Renewable)

$11,000 - The Alistair Fraser Scholarships in Law (Non-Renewable)

$10,000 - Arthur F Miller Scholarship in Law (Non-Renewable)

$10,000 - The Hon John C Crosbie Weldon Tradition Scholarship in Law (Non-Renewable)

$1,500 - Cox & Palmer Entrance Bursary for Equity-Deserving Communities

$1,000 - Beige Aubrey Memorial Entrance Bursary (Non-Renewable)
