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KUDOS! Alumni Misty Morrison and Marc Nojh appointed Crown attorneys in Yarmouth

Posted by Jane Doucet on February 8, 2018 in News

The Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service has appointed two new Crown attorneys in Yarmouth. The hirings of Misty Morrison (LLB '08) and McFarlane (Marc) Njoh (LLB '16) were announced on Feb. 6. Morrison and Njoh have both done per diem work for the Public Prosecution Service.

Morrison, who is from Danvers, Digby County, N.S., graduated in 2000 from Dalhousie with a bachelor of science in psychology, in 2008 from Dalhousie Law School and in 2013 from St. Francis Xavier University with a bachelor of education.

Morrison articled with the provincial Justice Department and in 2009 was hired as a Nova Scotia Legal Aid staff lawyer in Annapolis Royal. In 2010, she was named a tutor with the Black Educators Association in Weymouth. She has also worked as a co-ordinator of race relations, cross-cultural understanding, and human rights for two school boards.

After working as a substitute teacher in 2015–16, Morrison joined Oliver Janson Law Inc. in Digby, where she focused on criminal and family law and worked as a per diem prosecutor.

Njoh, a native of Cameroon, graduated in 2013 from Dalhousie with a bachelor of arts in political science and in 2016 from Dal’s Schulich School of Law. He articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and in 2017 began working as a per diem Crown attorney.

Njoh has served as president of the Association of Cameroonians in Nova Scotia, secretary general of the African Diaspora Association of the Maritimes, and vice-president of the Dalhousie Law Students' Society.