» Go to news mainLATI welcomes new Associate Member Peter Dostal
Professor Robert Currie, Director of the Law & Technology Institute, is pleased to announce that Peter Dostal (LLB ’07) has been appointed a LATI Associate Member. The Institute’s faculty and associates support the law school’s core curriculum with classes in information technology law issues, including Internet law, privacy law, information technology transactions, electronic commerce, and intellectual property.
Dostal is a senior Crown attorney with the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service, Office of Special Prosecutions, who specializes in computer and Internet-related criminal prosecutions across Nova Scotia, commercial crime, and other complex litigation. He teaches part of the Computer Forensic Examiner course to law enforcement members at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa and has guest-lectured at the Schulich School of Law.
“Peter is a good fit because he’s a cyber crime prosecutor and in the trenches doing this work,” says Currie. “His new role is a good way of instituting contact between LATI and the practicing Bar in this cutting-edge area of the law. Plus, it’s nice to have this kind of collaboration with a former student of mine and one of our alumni.”
Peter's new role is a good way of instituting contact between LATI and the practicing Bar in this cutting-edge area of the law. — Professor Robert Currie, LATI Director
In addition to his practice, Dostal also writes for and maintains the website The Canadian Criminal Law Notebook, an online reference for criminal law. Before becoming a Crown attorney, he was a staff lawyer at Nova Scotia Legal Aid.
Dostal will continue guest lecturing at the law school, including discussing transborder cyber crime in Currie’s upper-year International Criminal Law course on March 23. As an Associate Member, he’ll also contribute to LATI events.
“I’m delighted to join one of Canada’s pre-eminent technology law institutes,” says Dostal. “I look forward to adding to the diversity of perspectives that this institution brings to law and technology.”
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