About the Workshops

Providing Training on Poverty Law Topics

LEAP workshops will begin in the spring of 2014. These workshops will teach advocates about areas of law that impact people living in poverty, and will provide them with strategies to use when advocating on behalf of low income Nova Scotians. On this page you can learn more about the workshops.

Who are the workshops for?

The workshops are for lay advocates. A lay advocate is someone who speaks or acts on behalf of another person, but who does not have a formal legal education.

All of our workshops have been designed with people who do advocacy work in mind. The presentations assume that everyone in attendance will be working to help others who are facing legal challenges.

Where will LEAP workshops take place?

There will be LEAP workshops in the following communities:
  • Amherst
  • Antigonish
  • Bridgewater
  • Halifax
  • Kentville
  • Sydney
  • Truro
  • Yarmouth

What topics will be covered?

The core of the LEAP curriculum is Income Assistance and Residential Tenancies. These two topics will be covered in each community that we visit. Other possible topics include: Canada Pension Plan Disability; Debtor/Creditor; Discrimination & Human Rights; and Employment Insurance. We also hope to provide information on Access to Legal Aid Services.

Why those topics?

From October 7, 2013 to November 20, 2013 LEAP workers conducted a community needs assessment to figure out what topics should be covered in our training sessions.  

The topics that we chose are the ones that were identified as the most common poverty law issues in Nova Scotia by the people that we talked to.

Click here for a Summary of the Needs Assessment Report.

When will the workshops take place?

The workshops will be taking place in the spring, early summer and fall of 2014. For exact dates, times and locations please visit our Register for a Workshop page.

What will the workshops be like?

All workshops will be facilitated by professional legal staff and third year law students from Dalhousie Legal Aid Service. Lay advocates who attend will be provided a USB containing LEAP Resource Material.

The workshops will be based around powerpoint presentations, however there will be ample time for group discussion and activities designed to bring home the content of the presentations. 

As mentioned above, the workshops are designed for lay advocates, which means that all of the content, discussions and activities will be intended to help people become better advocates.  

How long will the workshops be?

LEAP will be providing up to two and a half consecutive days of workshops in each community.

The Income Assistance and Residential Tenancies workshops are each a day long. That means 9:00am to 5:00pm with a break for lunch.

The other topics are half-day sessions. Meaning approximately 3 hours in length.  

Do I have to attend every workshop?

No, you can chose to attend only those topics that interest you.

Is there any cost to attend?

The workshops are free, but attendees have to cover their own costs related to travel and for lunch (we'll provide snacks).