Discrimination & Human Rights

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Discrimination is prohibited in Nova Scotia by the Human Rights Act, which is administered by the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Find out more about by checking out our units below.


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This unit will introduce you to the legal definition of discrimination and the different prohibited grounds.

Human Rights Procedure

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This unit will teach you about the process of making a human rights complaint in Nova Scotia.

Human Rights Board of Inquiry

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This unit provides information on what happens when a human rights complaint goes all the way to a Board of Inquiry.

Additional Resources

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Here we have compiled a list of places where you can go for more information.


The Human Rights Commission of Nova Scotia maintains a website with useful information:

Case Law

Appeals of Board of Inquiry decisions by the Nova Scotia Court of appeal can be found here:

Nova Scotia Legal Aid

NSLA offices may provide summary advice to clients regarding human rights.  Their contact information can be found here: http://www.nslegalaid.ca/contact.php