Black Studies Research Institute (in STEMM)

Coming up: Symposium on Black Methods in Science, Technology, and Innovation Research in Canada and Beyond (Part 2)

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When: September 19 - 20, 2024

Location: In-Person (Halifax, NS) and Hybrid

Hosted by:

Black Studies Research Institute (in STEMM)

James R. Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies, Dalhousie University

Funded by

Next Wave Fund, Dalhousie University

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Call for Abstracts

Join Dr. OmiSoore Dryden, James R. Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Medicine and Interim Director of the Black Studies Research Institute (in STEMM) for the second installation of the Symposium on Black Methods in Science, Technology, and Innovation Research in Canada and Beyond.

Black Studies is a vast discipline that exists beyond and in conversation with the humanities and social sciences. Black Studies is a necessary intervention into all fields of science in Canada, which advances discussions on the quality of life of all Canadians. This is crucial given that evidence illustrates that Black populations are disadvantaged. Science – natural, physical, and life sciences – does not live outside of society and culture. The development of scientific technology, procedures and practices happened (and happens) within the social/cultural. Black Studies in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) interrogates the parameters of what constitutes objective, “colourblind” science and the surrounding systems in which we exist. The myth of racism-free STEMM fields is deadly.

This symposium builds on Black Studies in STEMM, the impact of Black Radical traditions on STEMM, Black liberatory spaces in STEMM, African Nova Scotian thought and practices in STEMM, and the contribution of Afrofuturism to the future STEMM writ large. This forum presents an opportunity for Black scholars and researchers to better understand the specific role of structural violence in scientific research, protocols, and policies that have increased the vulnerability of Black populations to poorer outcomes.

Part 2 of the symposium furthers conversations from the first installment held on February 22-23, 2024. This is a space for scholars, researchers, practitioners, engineers, technicians, social entrepreneurs, students, community members, and change agents to gather and share their innovative methodologies in STEMM that engage with and centre Black Studies, research findings, and exchange resources, whilst also strategizing collaboratively on ways forward that impact in diverse Black communities.

The main objectives of the symposium are to:

a)    Improve existing and emerging methodologies to advance Black studies, particularly in STEMM, addressing anti-Black racism within research, policies, and practices in the natural sciences and engineering;

b)    Support scholars and researchers who are interested in the intersection between Black Studies and STEMM; and

c)    Create and further collaborations in Black Studies and STEMM in the Atlantic and across the country.

The symposium will host plenaries, innovation showcases, and panel discussions to catalyze growing dialogue and knowledge exchange in Black Studies and in STEMM disciplines.

Call for Submissions:

We invite contributions from Black scholars (students, faculty, practitioners, administrators) to submit their work in research and innovation within the scope of symposium themes highlighted below. Abstract submissions should align with the central theme of the exploration of STEMM through the lens of Black Studies. This involves developing pedagogical and structural foundations that support interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialogues, as well as fostering the growth of theoretical perspectives within this intersectional domain.

Submissions in the following areas are also welcomed:

  • Anti-racist STEMM addressing Anti-Black Racism, Anti-African Nova Scotian racism, in Research, Policies, and Practices;
  • Black Studies insights into STEMM research and practice; and
  • Methodological Innovations in Advancing STEMM research through Black Studies

We particularly encourage Black scholars working in mathematics, humanities, techno-science, and methods/technology, while also welcoming discussions on intersectional and transdisciplinary topics such as Black queer and trans scholarship and Black queer and trans studies in STEMM.

Abstract submissions are encouraged on a wide range of topics, inclusive of, but not limited to:

  • Methodological Interventions: Informed by Black Studies theories, analytics, methods, in STEMM research.
  • Structural Foundations: Addressing the structural foundations necessary for the integration of Black Studies within STEMM, such as research (design and analysis), curriculum development, and community engagement strategies.
  • Theoretical Dialogues: Contributions engaging in theoretical dialogues that examine the intersections of anti-Black racism, science, and technology, while also drawing insights from Black Studies to foster critical perspectives.
  • Pedagogical Innovations: Exploring innovative pedagogical approaches that integrate Black Studies into STEMM education, fostering inclusive learning environments and promoting diversity in STEMM fields.
  • Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research: Highlighting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research initiatives at the nexus of Black Studies and STEMM, emphasizing collaboration across academic disciplines and community stakeholders.
  • Impact of Digitalization and AI on Decision-Making: Discussions on how digitalization and AI impact decision-making processes, showcasing local efforts to drive digitalization for Black communities. Exploring the potential transformation of systems through digital innovation.

Guidelines on Submission of Abstracts:

Provide an abstract of your proposed presentation (between 150-300 words). Consider the following sections as it applies to your abstract proposal:

Introduction and Objective – provide context to readers, an introduction to topic and its importance, study objective, question, or hypothesis, whichever is appropriate.

Theoretical Approaches, Concepts, Frameworks – describe the approach/method, concepts, analytics used to explore your research questions.

Significance/Implication – narrative summaries, key findings, if appropriate


Deadline: 27 May 2024

Please submit your proposals through the MS Forms:

Confirmations will occur by 24 June 2024.


Questions? Reach out to

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