Diversity and Equity Committee




JUNE 27 AND JUNE 28, 2024

The International ‘Conversations’ Conference offers an opportunity for critical conversations between scholars, students, researchers, members of historically and contemporary equity seeking communities, policy makers, and organizational leaders from across the globe.

See website for more details.

The School of Social Work’s Diversity and Equity Committee (DEC) is committed to furthering the School’s commitment to social justice by fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Specifically, the DEC is responsible for:

  • Publicizing the School's programs for the purpose of recruiting students according to the School’s Affirmative Action Policy
  • Exploring and suggesting solutions concerning problems and issues associated with the School's policy of affirmative action (both on and off campus);
  • Maintaining liaison with other school committees (by providing DEC representatives) to promote the interests of the members of designated groups;
  • Assisting in admissions procedures for designated applicants;
  • Promoting knowledge of affirmative action concerns within the School;
  • Developing means of implementing the School's policy with respect to designated groups, and to take responsibility for operationalizing these when provided with adequate resources (e.g. educational supports for students, special projects, workshops and materials).

The membership of the DEC is comprised of :

  • Two faculty members, one serving as Chair;
  • Three students, including students from the designated groups;
  • Two alumni working in the community, with preference given to graduates who are members of designated groups.
  • Representatives from designated groups when available.

Currently, the School has the following policies related to diversity and equity: 

To contact the Chair of the DEC, please contact Ifeyinwa Mbakogu.

All students seeking accommodations should register with the Student Accessibility Office in order to have access to the fullest range of supports and resources of the University. The Student Accessibility Office communicates with course instructors regarding institutional accommodations. Students are also encouraged to connect with individual course instructors regarding their needs. If coordinating across the program would be helpful, please contact the BSW Coordinator Terrence Lewis or MSW Coordinator Catherine Bryan, depending on your program.

We are pleased to share with you the first Diversity and Equity Committee (DEC) Newsletter. View the newsletter.

Download the DEC Resource Guide for Social Work Students [PDF 1.3 MB]

Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sswdecdal/