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Jon O'Neill


"We also offered tips as to how each other's professions can work together and help with each other's role..."

IPHE experience: Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island)

At this time I would like to tell you a little bit about my interprofessional experiences at QEH during my last placement.

During my placement I got the opportunity to go on a home visit with an OT. The purpose was to assess a patient's home before he returned home. The patient was also present during this home assessment. I got to practice my physio skills in assisting the patient into the house, helping him maneuver stairs, and encourage him to sit-stand from several surfaces in his home at different heights. I also got to see the role of an OT outside of the hospital.  Following the home assessment I had to opportunity to report back on this experience during group rounds. It provided me prospective as a student and future clinicians as to the obstacles patients have to face when they return home. They are much different that one can simulate in a gym setting. One of the biggest obstacles I noted is that I hadn't practice with the patient on uneven ground so it was not prepared as well for the gravel and grass transitions with some snowy patches. I am aware now of what I will have to take into consideration when treating patients.

Additionally, I had a conversation with an LPN student regarding this same patient. We described each of our roles and the goals of each of our treatments with the patient. We asked each other questions and helped answer questions the patient had. We also offered tips as to how each other's professions can work together and help with each other's role (e.g. when walking with a patient, dressing).

By: Jon O'Neill (Class of 2014)
