Faculty Profile

April 2013 Faculty Profile: Dr. Katherine Harman

Katherine Harman

There is no drug in current or prospective use that holds as much promise for sustained health as a lifetime program of physical exercise. ~ Walter Bortz

In this inaugural edition of PT Matters eNews, our faculty spotlight is on Dr. Katherine Harman, Associate Professor with the School of Physiotherapy.


  • B.Sc. (Physical Therapy), University of Toronto
  • M.Sc. (Anatomy, Specialization in Neuroscience), Université d’Ottawa
  • Ph.D. (Psychology, Specialization in Neuroscience), Carleton University

After teaching physiotherapy for eleven years at the Université d’Ottawa, Dr. Harman joined the School of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University in 1998. She holds an appointment in the School of Health and Human Performance, and is an Affiliated Scientist, Department of Anesthesia, QEII. Dr. Harman has held several administrative roles, including Assistant Dean to the Faculty of Health Professions from 2008-2011. Currently she is the Entry Level Masters Graduate Coordinator, teaches in Modules 1, 2, 5 & 8 of the ELM program and represents the Faculty of Health Professions in the Senate.

Research Interests

Dr. Harman's research interest is in the study of pain from prevention of chronicity to the management of chronic pain – a recurring research theme throughout her career. The complex field of pain research leads to interdisciplinary projects and Dr. Harman collaborates with researchers in:

  • private practice physiotherapy
  • behavioural and social psychology
  • epidemiology
  • ergonomics and
  • business

Her current focus is health and wellness and the injured worker, with projects ranging from a qualitative study of the therapeutic alliance at the first encounter between a physiotherapist and a patient with Chronic Low Back Pain (as principal investigator), and as a knowledge user in a meta-analysis of exercise therapy for patients with CLBP.  The results of her research are translated into education for both student physiotherapists and continuing education for practicing physiotherapists, published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at scientific conferences. 

An Avid Athlete

Beyond the walls of Dalhousie, Dr. Harman is also an accomplished athlete:

In addition to competition and training, Dr. Harman is the Para-Rowing Coordinator for HRC and RowNS which has just been recognized as a Rowing Canada Para-rowing Centre of Excellence. There she teaches athletes with disabilities to row, trains coaches, is a national para-rowing classifier and is coaching para-athletes in development for the national team. She says that she loves this part of her life because it brings together her passion and experience in rowing, her abilities as a physiotherapist and her belief in community volunteerism.

And there's more...

Over the past two years Dr. Harman has worked with a group of pain researchers, educators and clinicians associated with Dalhousie University to explore the possibility of enhancing connections and advancing research and education agendas. The members of the Dalhousie Pain Group encompass the basic, clinical and social sciences with expertise in studying pain across the lifespan. Researchers in the Group are recognized nationally and internationally, providing a solid foundation of excellence in the study of pain.

One result of this work is the first annual Dalhousie Pain Day on Friday, May 3rd from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm. This free event will celebrate current research projects and programs being conducted in university and clinical communities.  It will provide a venue to cross-disciplinary communication and draw in interested colleagues and potential collaborators.

Katherine is also on the planning committee for the Atlantic Interprofessional Pain Conference. This year, it is being held at the  Fredericton Convention Centre on September 27 and 28 with topics including: pelvic and genital pain, orofacial pain, and exercise and assistive devices.

A public reception entitled: The Importance of Art in Health and Pain Management will be hosted on Thursday evening at the Crown Plaza Ballroom. For more information contact:  sylvia.redmond@cdha.nshealth.ca

Coming Events

  • The Dalhousie Pain Network Speaker Series will begin Fall 2013, featuring invited international experts, with the aim of raising awareness about the mechanisms and management of pain across the lifespan
  • The Dalhousie Pain Colloquium will also be initiated this fall, as a forum for pain researchers, trainees and technical staff to gather to discuss and debate emerging ideas in the field of pain.

    For further information about the Dalhousie Pain Group and events, feel free to contact Dr. Katherine Harman.