CAOT Student Award

by Lil Crump


Photo: Megan Kieley celebrated her award with her New Brunswick colleagues, photo shows her receiving the CAOT Student Award from Michelle Allison.  

Megan Kieley is a recent graduate from Dalhousie's Occupational Therapy program and well-deserving recipient of the 2023 CAOT Student Award.
During her undergraduate studies, Megan knew she wanted to work in healthcare, but she needed to decide which career to choose. She chose occupational therapy because of its holistic approach to practice and the variety of practice areas she could explore.

Megan shared that she enjoyed collaborating with classmates and other healthcare students during her learning experiences at Dal. "I learned more about how different professions work together and what an important role OT can have on a care team. I also appreciated the professors, guest lecturers, and preceptors for sharing their knowledge and lived experience." Says Megan

"I am very fortunate to have met so many great people through my program. Luckily, I still stay in contact with my "bubble" and hear about all of the great things they are doing as occupational therapists."

Megan has always loved learning and has taken great pride in her academics. She says she greatly appreciates receiving an award that recognizes her academic and leadership qualities.