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CTNHR Research Training 2023-24

Introduction to Chrome River

Other Events 2023-24

CTNHR Annual Poster Session June 2024

CTNHR Wednesdays @ Noon 2023-24

Canadian health profession curriculum and educational programs that support the paediatric to adult care transitions: An environmental scan. Jemeela Thomas, MD Candidate

The Virtual Village: The creation of a toolkit for online postpartum support groups. Dr. Megan Aston
How partners, identified support persons, and family members of mothers understand postpartum depression, using a feminist post-structuralist lens. Masi Gholampour Chefeli, MScN Student

A Way Forward: A Scoping Review Considering Evidence-based Interventions to mitigate Nursing Burnout in Critical Care Settings. Madison Hickey, MScN Student

Integrated knowledge translation guidelines for trainees in health research: An environmental scan. Maddie Gallant, PhD Nursing (c) Advancing learning health system at IWK Health. Drs. Mari Somerville and Brittany Barber, CIHR Health System Impact Fellows.

Family involvement in the acute care of patients with chronic illness(es). Chloe Flynn, MScN Student.

Health disparities faced by LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees Zane Ehsan, BScN Student and The role of doulas in abortion care in Canada: A qualitative study. Clare Heggie, PhD Student, UNB

Development and feasibility testing of a complex intervention for delivering palliative care for patients with serious illnesses within primary healthcare in a low and middle income country,  Oladayo Afolabi, Senior Analyst, Policy and Planning (Palliative Care Clinical Network), Nova Scotia Health

Introduction to and updates from AH-NET-C: A JBI Centre of Excellence. Dr. Marilyn Macdonald

Welcome and Overview from the CTNHR Director. Dr. Megan Aston & Role development and utilization of Master's-prepared Omani nurses in clinical settings: A multiple case study. Salma Almukhaini, PhD Nursing (c)

CTNHR Wednesdays @ Noon 2022-2023

Presentations and Events 2022-2023

CTNHR Wednesdays @ Noon 2021-22

  • How do we transition to a Learning Health System? A proposal for implementation research. Christine Cassidy & Mari Somerville
  • Presentations by Ishani Khanna, BScN Student and Ben DuPlessis, MD Student
  • Presentations by Sydney Breneol PhD Nursing (c) and Salma Almukhaini PhD Nursing (c)
  • CTNHR/BRIC NS: Implementation findings from PriCARE Program: A nurse-led case management approach. Project insights including unravelling the mystery of Patient Partnership in action. Dr. Fred Burge, Dr. Marily Macdonald, Alannah Delahunty-Pike, Judy Porter and Donna Rubenstein
  • Health Innovation: Resources & Opportunities for Students: Presenter Natasha Breward, Pulse Manager and Taking Your Research Beyond the Lab: Presenter Dr. Michael Carew, Manager, Lab2Market
  • Working with Pediatric Simulated Patients: Presenter - Emily Armstrong, Simulated Patient Educator
  • Mother Child Connection and Provincial Incarceration: Presenters Martha Paynter and Clare Heggie

CTNHR Catalyst Conversations 2021-22

Other Events 2021-22

CTNHR Wednesdays @ Noon 2020-21

CTNHR Catalyst Conversations 2020-21

Other Events 2020-21
