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Nursing in the News

Posted by Theresa Gilbert on October 2, 2017 in News
PEACE Project actors during a performance in June 2017. The play, which received funding from the Canadian Cancer Society, is based on Brenda Sabo’s research on palliative care. Photo credit: Emily Jewer, MJPhotographics
PEACE Project actors during a performance in June 2017. The play, which received funding from the Canadian Cancer Society, is based on Brenda Sabo’s research on palliative care. Photo credit: Emily Jewer, MJPhotographics

Dr. Erna Snelgrove-Clarke's research into maternal and newborn health outcomes has been profiled by CIHR to celebrate Canada 150.

Dr. Brenda Sabo’s PEACE play received national media attention from CBC. The project weaves together the experiences of palliative care patients and their families in a theatre production, with every line a direct quote from a patient or caregiver.

Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo’s Chez NICU Home Solution received national media coverage.  

Nursing PhD student Tim Disher talks to Global Halifax about his research.

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