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Dalhousie University Nursing Society

A community of Nursing students

The Dalhousie University Nursing Society (DUNS) is a student-run association that organizes activities, events and charitable initiatives. There are currently chapters at the Halifax and Yarmouth locations of the Dalhousie School of Nursing.

Annual DUNS events include a September Nursing Fall Social, the Dalhousie Health Professions variety night, the Nursing Ball and the First Year Pinning Ceremony, where new students are welcomed into the School of Nursing family.

DUNS also gives students and faculty a chance to mingle at weekly social events.

All Dalhousie Nursing Students are automatically members of DUNS and are eligible to run in the society’s executive elections. Membership fees are collected through tuition and supports DUNS’ activities and events.

DUNS (Halifax Chapter) Contact Page

Canadian Nursing Students' Association

Dalhousie Nursing students are also members of the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA), a national body that represents nursing students to government, health care organizations and media.  

The CNSA hosts an annual Atlantic Regional Conference and National Conference.

Learn more about the CNSA.
