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Mencher Endowment Supports International Placement for HCD Student

Posted by Trudi Smith on September 24, 2013 in Awards, Students

Dr. George Mencher (right) pictured with former students Heather Maessen and Willem Maessen.

On the day of their convocation, graduates from the School of Human Communication Disorders attended an awards program and lunch attended by their family, friends, faculty and alumni - including ten members of the Class of 1988 - to celebrate their acheivements.

Also in attendance was part-time faculty member Dr. George Mencher, who has taught members of every graduating class from the year the School was founded in 1976, until he retired in 2011. The luncheon provided an opportunity for Dr. Mencher to connect with students that he has taught over the years, including Heather Maessen, an audiologist at the Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres, who was in the first class he taught, and her son Willem Maessen, a member of the class of 2013 who was in the last class Dr. Mencher taught. The School is very grateful to Dr. Mencher and his wife Shirley for their recent endowment to the University which will provide funding support for a third-year student to undertake a practicum placement at a site outside Canada.