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Safety & Quality of Medication Use

Use of drug samples as a threat to seamless health care. [PDF - 52 kB] Neil J. MacKinnon. Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 61 Jul 15, 2004
Validation of Four Clinical Indicators of Preventable Drug-Related Morbidity [PDF - 56 kB] Priti S Flanagan, Neil J MacKinnon, Susan K Bowles, and Susan A Kirkland. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy _ 2004 January, Volume 38
Working towards seamless care Partnering with pharmacists can improve care of patients. [PDF - 81 kB]Atherothrombosis Management in Primary Care VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1 Winter 2005
Incident-Event Rate of Preventable Drug-Related Morbidity in Older Adults in Nova Scotia. [PDF - 152 kB] Neil J. MacKinnon, PhD, RPh, FCSHP; Nicole R. Hartnell, MSc(Pharm); Susan K. Bowles, PharmD; Susan A. Kirkland, PhD; Erika J.M. Jones, BSc(Pharm). Canadian Journal of Geriatrics Volume 9, Issue 5, 2006 Neil J. MacKinnon, PhD, RPh. Canadian Journal of Geriatrics Volume 9, Issue 3 , 2006
Adopting Medication Reconciliation And Seamless Care Services. [PDF - 187 kB] Dr. Neil J. MacKinnon. CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
Perceptions of Patients and Health Care Professionals about Factors Contributing to Medication Errors and Potential Areas for Improvement [PDF - 280 kB] Nicole R Hartnell, Neil J MacKinnon, Erika JM Jones, Roland Genge, and Magdalena DM Nestel. CJHP – Vol. 59, No. 4 – September 2006
Nurses’ Perceptions of Medication Safety and Medication Reconciliation Practices. [PDF - 299 kB] Nursing Leadership Volume 19 Number 3 • 2006
Development of clinical indicators for type 2 diabetes. [PDF - 203 kB] Neil J. MacKinnon, PhD, FCSHP; Nicole R. Hartnell, BSc, MSc(Pharm); Emily K. Black, BSc(Pharm); Peggy Dunbar, MEd, PDt, CDE; Jeffrey Johnson, PhD; Susan Halliday-Mahar, BSc(Pharm); Rumi Pattar, BSc(Pharm); Ehud Ur, MD. CPJ / RPC, March/April 2008, Vol. 141, No. 2
Health care report cards: why should community pharmacists care? Report cards suggest areas where pharmacists can make a difference in improving patient outcomes and reducing costs [PDF - 187 kB] Karen J.McCaffrey, BSc, MHSA; Neil J.MacKinnon, PhD, RPh CPJ/RPC, June 20005, Vol 138, No 5  
Drug-related problems identified in a workplace asthma self-management program [PDF - 124 kB] Neil J. MacKinnon, PhD, RPh; Chantal LeCouteur Morais, RN, CAE; Theresa Rose, BPR CPRJ/RPC, March/April 2007, Vol 140, No 2
Safe and effective? Looking at the medication use system [PDF - 93 kB] Neil J.MacKinnon, PhD, RPh CPJ/RPC, Nov/Dec 2005, Vol 138, No 8
Is community pharmacy falling behind in the patient safety movement? [PDF - 187 kB] Neil J.MacKinnon, PhD, RPh CPJ/RPC, Sept/Oct 2006, Vol 139, No 5  
Disease management in Canada: Surmounting barriers to adoption [PDF - 48 kB] by Christopher R. Gallant, Neil J. MacKinnon, and Denise A. Sprague Healthcare Management FORUM Gestion des soins de santé – Winter/Hiver 2007
Approaches to Improving the Safety of the Medication Use System. [PDF - 116 kB] Stacy Ackroyd-Stolarz, Nicole Hartnell and Neil J. MacKinnon. Health Care Quarterly, Vol 8, Special Issue, Oct 2005 
Frequency and Type of Medication Discrepancies in One Tertiary Care Hospital. [PDF - 65 kB] Jennifer Turple, Neil J. MacKinnon and Bryan Davis. Healthcare Quarterly Vol. 9, Special Issue October 2006 Management in Primary Care  
Could 7 Million Australians and Canadians Be Wrong? [PDF - 722 kB] A Status Report on Medication-Use Safety in Australia and Canada. Neil J MacKinnon. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Volume 38, No. 1, 2008
Seamless Care Systems [PDF - 96 kB] by Neil J. MacKinnon, BSc (Pharm), MS, PhD, RPh, FCSHP JPSW July/August 2007
Demystifying medication safety: Making sense of the terminology [PDF - 187 kB] Stacy Ackroyd-Stolarz, M.Sc.a,*, Nicole Hartnell, M.Sc.b, Neil J. MacKinnon, Ph.D., R.Ph.b,c Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2 (2006) 280–289
Is the Prioritization of Medication Reconciliation as a Critical Activity the Best Use of Pharmacists’ Time? [PDF - 192 kB] CJHP – Vol. 61, No. 2 – March–April 2008
Development of Canadian Safety Indicators for Medication Use Healthcare Quarterly [PDF - 436 kB] Vol.11 Special Issue 2008
Medication Incidents Involving Heparin in Canada: "Flushing" Out the Problem. [PDF - 304 kB] MacKinnon NJ, U D, Koczmara C. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2008; 61(5): 348-50.
O’Hagan J, MacKinnon NJ, Persaud D, Etchegary H. Self-Reported Medical Errors in Seven Countries: Implications for Canada. [PDF - 249 kB] Healthcare Quarterly (Patient
Safety Papers). 2009; 12: 55-61.
Ackroyd-Stolarz S, Guernsey JR, MacKinnon NJ, Kovacs G. Impact of Adverse Events on Hospital Disposition in Community-Dwelling Seniors Admitted to Acute Care. [PDF - 188 kB] Healthcare Quarterly (Patient Safety Papers). 2009; 12: 34-9.
Boyle TA, Mahaffey T, MacKinnon NJ, Deal H, Hallstrom LK, Morgan H. Determinants of medication incident reporting, recovery, and learning in community pharmacies: A conceptual model. [PDF - 409 kB] Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2010.
