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Pharmacist Interventions

Pharmaceutical Care in Community Pharmacies: Practice and Research in Canada. [PDF - 57 kB] Erika JM Jones, Neil J MacKinnon, and Ross T Tsuyuki. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy _ 2005 September, Volume 39
The roles of community pharmacists in managing patients with diabetes: perceptions of health care professionals in Nova Scotia. [PDF - 50 kB]By Nicole R. Hartnell, MSc(Pharm); Neil J.MacKinnon, PhD, RPh; Ingrid S. Sketris, PharmD,MPA (HSA); David Gass,MD. CPJ/RPC. July/August 2005. Vol. 138 , No. 6
Drug-Therapy Problems, Inconsistencies and Omissions Identified During a Medication Reconciliation and Seamless Care Service. [PDF - 113 kB] Ann Nickerson, Neil J. MacKinnon, Nancy Roberts and Lauza Saulnier Healthcare Quarterly. Vol. 8, Special Issue. October 2005
Pharmacists’ Participation in an Inhaled Respiratory Medication Program: Reimbursement of Professional Fees. [PDF - 273 kB]Andrea L Murphy, Neil J MacKinnon, Priti S Flanagan, Susan K Bowles, and Ingrid S Sketris. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2005 April, Volume 39
MacKinnon NJ. Value for Money and Hospital Pharmacists. [PDF - 267 kB] CJHP – Vol. 63, No. 1 – January–February 2010
