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A Comparison of Factors Used by Physicians and Patients in the Selection of Antidepressant Agents [PDF - 26 kB] David M. Gardner, Pharm.D., M.Sc. Neil MacKinnon, Ph.D., F.C.S.H.P. Donald B. Langille, M.D., M.H.Sc. Pantelis Andreou, Ph.D. Psychiatric Services. January 2007 Vol. 58 No. 1
Neural networks: From science fiction to pharmacy [PDF - 168 kB]Nicole Hartnell and Neil J. MacKinnon. Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 60 Sep 15, 2003
The medical home in Canada: Patient perceptions of quality and safety. [PDF - 205 kB] Scobie AC, MacKinnon NJ, Higgins SD, Etchegary H, Church R. . Healthcare Management FORUM.
2009. 22(1): 47-51.
