Post Diploma BHSc Program
The Post Diploma BHSc program has been developed to meet the needs of practicing technologists, sonographers, therapists and paramedics who have an interest in the opportunity to complete a baccalaureate degree as a means of pursuing life long learning and expanding career opportunities.
The School of Health Sciences offers a post diploma program leading to a Bachelor of Health Science in any of:
- Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound
- Emergency Medical Services Management (For Advanced Care Paramedics)
- Nuclear Medicine Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology (Post Diploma Only)
- Radiological Technology
- Respiratory Therapy
Through a guided selection process, students choose courses that contribute to their professional growth and interest. Students are afforded the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the Canadian healthcare system, as well as to enhance their leadership abilities and to equip them for participation in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.
The post diploma BHSc curriculum is equivalent to 2 years of full-time university study (60 credit hours). Courses may be completed in the sequence best suited for the student; however, attention must be paid to course pre-requisites. To accommodate the working professional, the post diploma program is available on a full time or part-time basis and most of the courses are delivered via distributed (i.e., distance) learning, using the Brightspace learning management system platform. There are university regulations concerning the maximum length of time allowed for degree completion. Refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for regulations.
Students can also use their elective choices to graduate with additional certificates or a diploma, alongside their degree. For details, speak to your academic advisor.
Note that the BHSc EMS Management stream, which is for Advanced Care Paramedics, follows a slightly different curriculum. For details, follow this link: EMS Management for ACPs.
View the curriculum for the Post Diploma BHSc ยป |
Application procedure
Visit the Post Diploma program Application procedure page for complete information on admission requirements and procedures.
Requirements Overview
- Successful completion of a diploma program in the profession for which you are applying (ACP for Paramedics).
- Two years of post-diploma work experience in that profession
- Evidence of good standing with the relevant (Canadian) professional association and/or college.
- Applicants must provide proof of successful completion of the Canadian licensing/certification exam in the discipline to which they are applying.