Year 1 ‑ Engineering
The first and second semesters of the BEng program are core, common classes that lay the groundwork for the future decision of which discipline you will choose.
To make the registration process easy - classes are grouped into blocks for the fall and winter terms, each block contains all of the required classes. At the end of your second semester, you will choose which discipline you will enter in your third year, giving you the opportunity to choose discipline specific classes in your second year.
Year 1 - Term 1 Fall
ENGI 1103 - Engineering Design & Graphics I
CPST 1103 - Technical Communications I
MATH 1280 - Engineering Mathematics I
CHEM 1021 - Engineering Chemistry I
ENGM 1081 - Computer Programming
PHYC 1190 - Introduction to Physics I
Year 1 - Term 2 Winter
ENGI 1203 - Mechanics I: Statics
CPST 1203 - Technical Communications II
MATH 1290 - Engineering Mathematics II
ENGM 1041 - Applied Linear Algebra
CHEM 1022 - Engineering Chemistry II
PHYC 1290 - Introduction to Physics II