Safe Document Storage Guidelines

University Information approved for distribution to the public by the information owner, administrative authority or other valid authority such as legislation or policy.

  • Dalhousie’s and departmental websites, brochures, campus maps, etc.
  • Published marketing information and course descriptions
  • Published annual reports, strategic plans and financial statements
  • Dalhousie’s rates and fees
  • Faculty and staff directory information
  • Other published information about the University

University Information intended for use within a specific University workgroup or unit. Internal information is not approved for general circulation outside that workgroup or unit.

  • Office or unit-specific administration policies and procedures
  • Draft marketing information
  • Service provider contracts (unless covered by the ‘Confidential’ classification)
  • Internal communications regarding projects, etc.
  • Floor plans, access codes, etc.
  • Planning documents

University Information approved for distribution to the public by the information owner, administrative authority or other valid authority such as legislation or policy.

  • Dalhousie’s and departmental websites, brochures, campus maps, etc.
  • Published marketing information and course descriptions
  • Published annual reports, strategic plans and financial statements
  • Dalhousie’s rates and fees
  • Faculty and staff directory information
  • Other published information about the University

University Information intended for use within a specific University workgroup or unit. Internal information is not approved for general circulation outside that workgroup or unit.

  • Office or unit-specific administration policies and procedures
  • Draft marketing information
  • Service provider contracts (unless covered by the ‘Confidential’ classification)
  • Internal communications regarding projects, etc.
  • Floor plans, access codes, etc.
  • Planning documents

Highly confidential business or personal information; only disclosed to those who need to know the information by virtue of their role at the University; can only be used for the specific authorized purposes.

  • Personal Information, to the extent such information is not already covered by the ‘Specified 
  • Standard’ classification. For example:
  • An Individual’s name, address, telephone number or email address
  • Personal health information
  • Government issued identifiers (e.g. social insurance number, passport number, driver’s 
  • license number, health card number)
  • Individually identifiable financial account information (e.g. bank account or debit card)
  • Information specified as confidential under contracts or non-disclosure agreements
  • Application for employment, resumes, criminal record checks
  • infrastructure diagrams and data about sensitive systems
  • Patent applications and trade secrets
  • Drafts or unpublished strategic plans, annual reports and financial statements
  • Internal audit reports and working papers and files
  • Actuarial information and benefits
  • Proprietary information
  • Legal advice, materials related to legal proceedings, appeals and grievances

Information where there is a regulatory or contractual obligation to manage the information in a specified manner which exceeds the standards in the information classifications ‘Public, Internal or Confidential’.

  • University Information where there is a regulatory or contractual obligation to manage the 
  • information in a specified manner which exceeds the standards in the information 
  • classifications ‘Public’, ‘Internal’ or ‘Confidential’
  • Individually identifiable medical or genetic information categorized as sensitive


  Public Internal Confidential   Sensitive

Local hard drive

Yes No No No

SharePoint / OneDrive

Yes Yes Yes* Yes


Yes Yes Yes** Yes**

O drive

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes No No
*would not incude medical info or credit card information
**internal email only