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Faculty & Staff

Dr. Margaret Walsh



Phone: 902-494-3960
Fax:  902-494-3108
Mailing Address: 
Department of Civil and Resource Engineering
Dalhousie University, Sexton Campus
1360 Barrington Street, Rm 215 Bldg D
Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4R2

Research Topics:
  • Coagulation and ion exchange pretreatment for membrane filtration
  • Membrane integrity monitoring and failure detection
  • Reclamation of backwash water and concentrate streams
  • Filter backwash water (FBWW) recovery and reuse
  • Impact of FBWW recycle on WTP operations & finished water quality
  • Recovery of backwash water wastes from membrane systems
  • Active treatment systems for acid mine drainage (AMD)
  • Offshore oil and gas proudced water treatment

Research Interests

  • Drinking Water Treatment
  • Water Treatment Plant Residuals
  • Wastewater Treatment

Dr. Walsh graduated from the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) in 1993 with a Bachelor in Chemical Engineering and McGill University in 1994 with a Master of Engineering degree. After working in the specialty chemical industry for seven years, she completed her PhD degree in Civil Engineering at Dalhousie University in 2005. Her research is within the water and wastewater treatment field. Dr. Walsh is currently serving as the Technical Director on the Board of Directors for the Atlantic Canada Water and Wastewater Association (ACWWA), and is also the Regional Director Atlantic for the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the Canadian Association on Water Quality (CAWQ).


2002-05  Ph.D., Civil Engineering
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

1993-94  M.Eng., Chemical Engineering, Pulp & Paper Center
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

1990-93  B.Eng., Chemical Engineering
Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, Canada

1988-90  Engineering Diploma
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada


Undergraduate Courses

  • CIVL4440 - Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • CIVL4460 - Solid Waste Management
  • ENGI2300 - Fluid Mechanics
  • CPST3030 - Engineering and Society II

Graduate Courses

  • CIVL6115 - Water Treatment Plant Design
  • CIVL6116 - Biological Waste Treatment

Selected Publications

Journal Papers

Gora, S.L. and M.E. Walsh (2011) Recycle of waste backwash water in ultrafiltration drinking water treatment processes, In press, Journal of Water Supply: Research & Technology – AQUA, In press.

N. McCormick, M. Porter and M.E. Walsh (2010) Disinfection by-products in filter backwash water: implications to water quality in recycle designs, Water Research, 44(15): 4581-4589.

Mackie, A., Boilard, S., Walsh, M.E. and C.B. Lake (2009) Physicochemical characterization of cement kiln dust (CKD) for potential reuse in acidic wastewater treatment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173: 283-291.

Walsh, M.E., N. Zhao, N., Gora, S.L. and G.A. Gagnon (2009) Effect of coagulation and flocculation conditions on water quality in an immersed ultrafiltration process, Environmental Technology, 30(9): 927-938.

Gottfried, A., Sheppard, A.D., Hardiman, K. and M.E. Walsh (2008) Impact of recycling filter backwash water on organic removal in coagulation-sedimentation processes, Water Research, 42(18): 4683-4691.

Walsh, M.E., Lake, C.B. and G.A. Gagnon (2008) Strategic options for the sustainable management of water treatment plant waste residuals, Journ. Env. Eng. & Sci., 7(1): 45-52.
