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Capstone Program

Mineral Resource Engineering

Mineral Resource Engineering at the 2019 Dalhousie Engineering Capstone Conference

Mineral resource engineers develop economically and environmentally responsible ways of extracting and processing minerals from the Earth. Mineral resource engineers evaluate the economics of mineral deposits; develop plans for surface mines, roadways and tunnels; design underground mine plants and ventilation systems; ensure mine safety and environmental protection; and develop innovative mine technology.

The 2019 posters presenting mineral resource engineering capstone projects can be seen below.

2019 Mineral Resource Engineering Capstone Projects

Team Project
Sebastian Widjaja, Jonathan Chao, Wei Jie Gan, Osama Tashman Pre-feasibility Study of the Cowan Lake Zone Au, Ag, Cu Deposit
Jocelyn Manley, Steven Hefler, Laura MacEachern, Ramin Nauman, Shaozian Wang Pre-Economic Assessment of a Lead-Zinc-Silver Deposit in NWT, Sparrow Lake
Cole Denovan, Derek MacArthur, Cameron Malcolm, Bill Dimitropoulos, Sam Rolfe Preliminary Economic Assessment of a Disseminated Cu-Au-Ag Deposit, Dean River, British Columbia
Yalin Li, Ivan Zhang, Sibo Wang, Haiyuan Zhang Preliminary Feasibility and Technical Assessment of a Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Deposit, Katodawa Creek, Ontario
Ross Bagnell , Cody Gollan, Moe Al-Hachim, Robert Barrett, Llyod McCormack Preliminary Feasibility and Technical Assessment of a Cu-Au-Pb Skarn Deposit, Bull Pond, Grand Bank, Newfoundland & Labrador
Catherine Theriault, Bailee Williams, Josh Ryan, Isaias Peraza Preliminary Technical and Economic Evaluation of a Cu-Pb-Au VMS Deposit, Costley Lake, Guysborough area, Nova Scotia
Mohammed AlMukhtar, Chengbo Li , Lucas Kennie, Megan Maggie  Preliminary Feasibility Assessment of Au-Ag Carlin-type Disseminated Deposit, Churchill River, Manitoba
