
Research in the Systems cluster takes an interdisciplinary approach in using technology advances to explore the real-world problems, and sometimes threats, faced by organizations and individuals in the ever-evolving technological landscape. Through analyzing the data and behaviours of both machine and humans, researchers develop solutions to improve the usability and security of systems and networks.

Researchers within the cluster have received national and international recognition for work in key areas including:

  • Network and information security
  • Network and traffic analysis
  • Insider threat analysis
  • Predictive and machine learning algorithms for security
  • Cyber physical systems
  • Internet of Things
  • Emerging wireless technologies
  • Data privacy
  • Blockchain
  • High-performance computing
  • Distributed systems
  • Cloud computing
  • Software engineering

Faculty and students within the cluster’s research labs are currently working on innovative ideas ranging from controlling devices through brain power and developing artificial arms races for cyber security to evolutionary computation for autonomous game agents.

A range of our courses benefit from the expertise within the Systems cluster. Visiting researchers to the cluster can also often contribute to our research seminar series.