Industry Showcase: Lunch and Learn with CS Alums

Join us for an exclusive and engaging event at Dalhousie University's Faculty of Computer Science. Meet a diverse panel of accomplished alumni from prestigious organizations such as the Department of National Defence, Mobia, and BenchSci. This enriching session offers invaluable insights and networking opportunities for those aspiring to excel in the tech industry.

Meet Our Speakers:

  1. Alex, Senior Software Engineer, BenchSci
    Alex graduated from Dalhousie University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Informatics (Software Systems). He has worked in software development since 2014 as web developer, solutions engineer, full-stack developer and a data engineer across a variety of domains. Alex currently works for BenchSci as a Senior Software Engineer on the Knowledge Representation team.

  2. Mimi, Team Leader, Infrastructure Operations, DND
    Mimi is an employee of the Department of National Defence (DND) who works with Base Information Services (BIS), the naval communications service organization for MARLANT, focused on operational communications ashore and at sea. BIS has hired computer science co-op students for all three co-op terms per year for the last four years here in Halifax. Mimi is a Dalhousie Bachelor of Applied Computer Science co-op program alumna.

  3. Aleysha, Software Development Team Lead, Mobia
    Aleysha, a Software Development Team Lead, has been a consultant with Mobia since earning her Bachelor of Informatics from Dalhousie. With a background spanning healthcare, aviation, and telecommunications, Aleysha enjoys addressing unique challenges across diverse industries. Her expertise lies in automating complex business processes, collaborating with subject matter experts to identify optimal solutions, and applying a versatile range of technologies to bring these solutions to life.Aleysha is passionate about tackling challenging user interactions and being part of a collaborative team that crafts solutions effectively eliminating pain points for both end users and clients.




Goldberg Computer Science Building

6050 University Avenue Room 429/430 Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Additional Information

Complimentary pizza lunch provided.

Session Highlights:

  1. Explore Careers in Tech:
    Connect with Dalhousie FCS Alumni actively seeking talent across a spectrum of industries.
  2. Crafting Winning Applications:
    Receive pro-tips on enhancing your resumes and cover letters for a standout impression.
  3. Mastering Interviews:
    Direct insights from industry veterans on navigating interview challenges successfully.
  4. Networking Opportunities:
    Engage with local tech professionals and expand your professional circle.
  5. Interactive Skill-Development:
    Participate in hands-on activities focused on skill enhancement and personal growth.

Register today!