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Outreach, Students
The three-day game-development event is happening this weekend in Dal’s Faculty of Computer Science and all are welcome
Undergraduate, Students
Acciceptron is the brainchild of third-year student Sai Narayan Karthikeya Redrowtu, who conceptualized an AI-driven platform for vehicles that blends human and machine intelligence to reduce motor-vehicle accidents.
Alumni & Friends
Moving from Cairo, Egypt, to Halifax to study in Dalhousie’s Faculty of Computer Science was a big adjustment for Seif Elbayomi (BCS’24). He's now a graduate with plans—and a job offer—to stay.
Alumni & Friends
Darshana Upadhyay (PhD’23) is a research scientist at TeleAI Corporation and adjunct professor in Dal’s Faculty of Computer Science. She credits her mentors for inspiring her to chase her professional dreams — and become a mentor herself.
